Donations made on or before Giving Tuesday will help us with our mission to practice and promote the principle that every life is precious. As such, we are committed to the highest principles of humane care and professional treatment of injured, ill, neglected or abused animals.
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the United States is touted as a "global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world". Now is the time to double your investment in saving the lives of the dogs, cats and other animals that find their way to the Charlevoix Area Humane Society. Your previous support has helped thousands of animals recover from injuries, illnesses and find forever loving homes. By contributing now, we are able to double your donation, helping twice as much! $10 = $20, $50 = $100 etc. We have a number of generous supporters who will match donations up to $10,000.
We are still actively raising funds to purchase a new "HVAC" ventilation system. This improved system will help cure airborne viruses and keep shelter animals healthy while they wait to be adopted. This will include a desperately needed upgraded heating and cooling system.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are NOT using paypal but want to use a debit/credit card you can still do so. However when you click CONTRIBUTE at the bottom of the page, you still have to go to the paypal screen and complete the process and checkout as a guest which does NOT create an account on paypal. It does allow you to use your card independently from paypal.
Follow these directions:
When you get to the paypal screen, Do NOT click NEXT, but instead click the button underneath stating,"Pay with Debit or Credit Card". You will enter your email as a guest, then "continue to payment".
On the next screen you will enter your card number and billing address.
IMPORTANT: Directly underneath the zip code you will see "Save info & create your PayPal account" -- Click the blue button next to that statement with the check to turn that option off.
You will then now see "Pay now as guest". You must click this to complete your payment.