Bob Pursel
Bob has lived in Northern Michigan for 16 years. Has been on the CAHS board for 15 years and loves to play golf. He and his wife, Shery, adopted an English Setter from CAHS and this is how they became familiar with the organization. Bob has 20 years of marketing and sales experience where he built his own company from the ground up. He brought this knowledge to the table while being on the CAHS Board. Bob has worked tirelessly on fundraising efforts while being a board member and volunteers whenever he can. Shery and Bob are currently raising/training a one-year-old ‘rescued’ English Setter from an animal foster home in upstate New York. We are both very involved with the East Jordan Lions Club and volunteering at our church. Bob picked the Charlevoix Area Humane Society because he saw a need to support the animals in Charlevoix County. At the same time his hope is that we can continue to have CAHS be an attractive place to work for all its employees.